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Project Reports
Technical Papers and References on Coastal Resource Management
Policy Papers
Coastal Environmental Profiles

Coastal Resource Management Plans
Coastal Laws and Other Legislation Related to CRM in the Philippines
IEC Resources

Project Reports

7 Years & 4 Seas: Our Quest for Sustainable Fisheries (A special end-of-project report to partners on the implementation of the Fisheries Improved for Sustainable Harvest (FISH) Project in Coron Bay, Danajon Bank, Lanuza Bay and Tawi-Tawi Bay, Philippines. (14MB). Note: FIRST POSTED 10/28/2010; REPOSTED WITH REVISIONS 11/5/2010

Best Coastal Management Programs Awards 1998 (644 kb).

Coastal Management in Asia: Are Donor Projects Sustainable and Beneficial? (160 kb)

Completion Report: Fisheries Improved for Sustainable Harvest (FISH) Project (September 2003-September 2010) (5.67MB)

Completion Report: The Coastal Resource Management Project-Philippines, 1996-2004 (9.03MB)

Consolidated Report: Baseline Assessment of the Capture Fisheries and Marine Protected Areas (reef habitats) in the FISH Project’s Focal Areas: Coron Bay, Danajon Bank, Lanuza Bay, and Tawi-Tawi Bay (2.57 MB)

Consolidated Report: Monitoring of the Capture Fisheries and Marine Protected Areas (Reef Habitats) in the FISH Project's Focal Areas: Coron Bay, Danajon Bank, Lanuza Bay, and Tawi-Tawi (17.33 MB)

CRMP in Mid-Stream: On-course to a Threshold of Sustained Coastal Management in the Philippines. Download as one file (6.7MB). Or in parts: Highlights (2.36MB); Part 1 (456kb); Part 2 , (4.26 MB)

Modeling the Way: Lessons in Developing Capacities for Coastal Management in the Philippines. (4MB)

Proceedings: Provincial CRM Festival -- "Provincial Governance Moving Ahead in Coastal Resource Management" (2.0 MB)

Search for Best CRM Programs in Philippine Municipalities 2000
(942 kb)

Technical Papers and References

A review of scientific and technical publications, reports and legislation relevant to marine turtles in Philippine waters

Analysis, Simulation, and Prediction of Impacts of Fish Pens and Cages in Malalag Bay, Davao del Sur (1999). (29MB)

Assessing the possibility of ecosystem-based fisheries management in tropical contexts (365kb)

Baseline (2004) Assessment of Existing or Potential MPA’s in FISH Project Focal Areas: Tawi-tawis (1.28MB)

Benefits and Costs of Coral Reef and Wetland Management, Olango Island, Philippines (1.9MB)

Best practices for improved governance of coral reef marine protected areas (347 kb)

Coastal Resource Management for Food Security. Download as one file (676KB). Or in parts: Covers (157KB); Contents (558KB)

Communicating EBM: Facing the Challenge of Describing a New Management System to Various Audiences (347 kb)

Coral Reef Monitoring for Management Second Edition (English). (14.7MB)

Coral Reef Monitoring for Management First Edition (English). Download as one file (12.5 MB), or in parts: Covers (296kb); Introduction (350kb); Chapter 1(662kb); Chapters 2-4 (2.6 MB); Chapter 5 (2.8 MB); Chapters 6-7 (2.58 MB); Chapters 8-9 (1.57 MB); Chapters 10-12(2.05 MB) ; Appendices (397kb)
               Other languages:
                          Bahasa Indonesia (67MB)
                         Cambodian (9.4MB)
                         Chinese (11.3MB)
                         Thai (9.8MB)

Coral Reef Resource Management in the Philippines -- with focus on marine protected areas as a management tool (4.4MB)

Creating and Managing Marine Protected Areas in the Philippines (3.8MB)
            MPA Training Presentations (28.4MB)

Danajon Bank Double Barrier Reef Rehabilitation, Protection and Management for Growth Quadrangle (1.08MB)

Development of National and Local Government Fisheries Registration and Licensing Frameworks for the Philippines: Registration and Licensing Frameworks for the Commercial Capture Fisheries Sector of the Philippines (13.3MB)

Development of National and Local Government Fisheries Registration and Licensing Frameworks for the Philippines: Registration and Licensing Frameworks for the Municipal Capture Fisheries Sector of the Philippines (4MB)

Development of a Simple Biomass Analysis Model. Source (733KB); Part 1 (733KB); Part 2 (1,953KB); Part 3 (2,218KB); Part 4 (2,218KB); Part 5 (375KB)

Directory of CRM Learning Destinations in the Philippines (4.9MB)

Directory of CRM Learning Destinations in the Philippines 2nd Edition (12MB)

Economic Valuation of Coastal and Marine Resources: Bohol Marine Triangle(1.3MB)

Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas in the Philippines for Biodiversity (360kb)

Evaluation of Policy Options for the Live Reef Food Fish Trade: Focus on Calamianes Islands and Palawan Province, Philippines, with Implications for National Policy (506 kb)

Developing a Framework for Economic Analysis of CRM Investment: The Case of Ubay, Bohol (2.57MB)

Evolution and Lessons from Fisheries Management in the Philippines (637kb)

Executive Order 305: Local Government Guide to Registration of Municipal Boats 3GT and below (230kb)

Experience with Coastal and Marine Protected Area Planning and Management in the Philippines (1.43MB)

Existing and Potential Mangrove Ecotourism Destinations in Bohol, Philippines (1.14MB)

Field measurement of hydrodynamic characteristics in coral reef at Yoshiwara Coast, Ishigakijima, Okinawa, Japan (contributed by R. Nishi and MP de Leon, Kagoshima University) Thai (2.5MB)

Fish ruler -- A tool for doing a "quick assessment" of priority fisheries in the Philippines (575kb)

Fish ruler -- A tool for doing a "quick assessment" of priority fisheries in the Philippines 2nd edition (5MB)

Go Easy on the Sea (1.05MB)

Hydrodynamic and dispersal modeling in FISH Project focal areas (33.9MB)

In Turbulent Seas: The Status of Philippine Marine Fisheries (31MB)

Incentives for marine protected area management in the Philippines (506kb)

Into The Mainstream: Promoting CRM on the Philippine National Agenda (773kb)

Integrated Coastal Management in Philippine Local Governance: Evolution and Benefits (278kb)

Integrated Coastal Management Process Sustainability Reference (2.21MB)

Introduction to the Establishment of a Community-Based Marine Sanctuary. English version: Download as one file (1.2MB). Or in parts: Part 1 (25kb) / Part 2 (1.21MB); Pilipino version: Download as one file (1.2MB). Or in parts: Part 1(33kb) / Part 2 (1.16MB)

Legal and Jurisdictional Guidebook for Resource Management in the Philippines. Download as one file (9MB). Or in parts: Messages and Endorsements  (579KB); Chapter 1. Background and Focus (312KB); Chapter 2. Background on Coastal Resource Management (558KB); Chapter 3. Nature and Extent of Jurisdictional Problems (3.89MB); Chapter 4. CRM Problem Networks and Jurisdictional Authority (3.28MB); Chapter 5: Commonly Asked Questions Answered (2.15MB); Annex A: Glossary (251KB); Annex B: A Thematic Classification of CRM-Related Issuances (915KB); Annex C: Schedule of Activities of the Policy Component (117KB); Annex D: Index of Selected Subjects (91KB)

Local Administrative Adjudication of Fishery Cases (Can this be an innovative alternative to Criminal Prosecution of Fishery Cases. (227kb)

Local Government Guide to Registration of Fishing Boats 3GT and below.

Managing Fisheries Resources in Danajon Bank, Bohol, Philippines: An Ecosystem-Based Approach. (5.6MB)

Managing Municipal Marine Capture Fisheries in the Philippines: Context, Framework, Concepts & Principles. (9.4MB)

Mangrove Management and Development in the Philippines. (244kb)

Mangrove Management Handbook . Download as one file (3MB). Or in parts: Table of Contents and other Front Matters (235KB); Chapter 1 (442KB); Chapter 2 (367KB); Chapter 3 (806KB); Chapter 4 (251KB); Chapter 5 (417KB); Chapter 6 (541KB); Chapter 7 (266KB); References(99KB)

Marine Protected Area Establishment and Management Training Manual . (28MB)

Mending Nets: A Handbook on the Prosecution of Fishery and Coastal Law Violators 2ND EDITION . (5.7MB)

Mending Nets: A Handbook on the Prosecution of Fishery and Coastal Law Violators. (9.0MB)

Monitoring and Baseline Assessment of Marine Protected Areas in the Fish Project Focal Areas (2006): Tawi-Tawi . (716kb)

Monitoring and Evaluating City/Municipal Plans and Programs for Coastal Resource Management (1.26 MB)

MPA Support Network's Most Outstanding MPAs 2009:

Pilar Municipal Marine Park (First Place) , Pilar, Cebu (9.3MB)
Tambunan MPA (Second Place), Tabina, Zamboanga del Sur (2.21MB)
Ambao Fish Sanctuary & Marine Reserve Area (Third Place), Hinundayan, Southern Leyte (10.2MB)
Bani MPA, Masinloc, Zambales (2.3MB)
Balingasay MPA, Bolinao, Pangasinan (4.3MB)
Carretonan-Quilitisan MPA, Calatagan, Batangas (4.6MB)
Daan-Lungsod-Guiwang Marine Sanctuary, Alcoy, Cebu (12.4MB)
Cahayagan Marine Fish Sanctuary, Carmen, Agusan del Norte (4.2MB)
Bibilik MPA, Dumalinao, Zamboanga del Sur (3.3MB)
Talisay MPA, Tabina, Zamboanga del Sur (4.5MB)
Buluan Island Marine Sanctuary , Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay (2.8MB)
Bangaan Marine Sanctuary , Tungawan, Zamboanga Sibugay (3.1MB)

Our Seas, Our Life. Download as one file (1.2MB). Or in parts: Covers(197 kb); Contents (130kb) ; The Gallery (884 kb); In Depth (1.73MB); The Coastal Resource Management Project (214kb); A Call to Action (118 kb); My Ocean Journal (511kb)

Participatory 3D modeling: The Talibon, Bohol, Experience (1.4MB)

Participatory Coastal Resource Assesssment: A Handbook for Community Workers and Coastal Resource Managers. Download as one file (1.2MB).Or in parts: Front Matters (174KB); Chapter 1 (146KB); Chapter 2 (451KB); Chapter 3 (168KB); Appendix (150KB)

Participatory Coastal Resource Assesssment Training Guide. (3.8MB)

Participatory Coastal Resource Assesssment Lecture Aids. (21MB)

Philippine Coastal Resource Management Guidebook Series. Includes 8 volumes:
Coastal Management Orientation and Overview. (1.4MB)
Legal and Jurisdictional Framework for Coastal Management. (1.8MB)
Coastal Resource Management Planning. (1.7MB)
Involving Communities in Coastal Management. (1.6MB)
Managing Coastal Habitats and Marine Protected Areas. (2.8MB)
Managing Municipal Fisheries. (1.9MB)
Managing Impacts of Development in the Coastal Zone. (1.8MB)
Law Enforcement. (3.2MB)

Philippine Fisheries in Crisis: A Framework for Management (1.4MB)

Poverty reduction through sustainable fisheries: Emerging policy and governance issues in Southeast Asia (2.8MB)

Primer on Coastal Resource Management. Download as one file (4.95mb); Or download in 7 parts: Part 1 (736KB); Part 2 (1.65mb); Part 3 (750KB); Part 4 (964KB); Part 5 (716KB); Part 6 (704KB); Part 7 (601KB)

Project Karagatan: A Survey of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Coastal Management Target Groups in the Philippines (1.57MB)

Report on the Rapid Assessment of the Tres Marias Islets, Palompon, Leyte (822 kb)

Scaling Up to Networks of Marine Protected Areas in the Philippines: Biophysical, Legal, Institutional, and Social Considerations (1.63MB)

State of the Philippine Environment (DENR Secretary's Report to the Nation: March 2001-November 2002). (742kb)

The Values of Philippine Coastal Resources: Why Protection and Management are Critical. Download as one file (2MB). Or in parts: Covers ( 154 kb); Introduction (137 kb); Chapter 1 (333 KB); Chapter 2 (470 kb); Chapter 3 (377 kb); Chapter 4 (379 kb); Chapter 5 (158 kb); Chapter 6 (272 kb)

Toward developing a complete understanding: A social research agenda for marine protected areas (320kb)

Trajectories and magnitude of change in coral reef fish populations in Philippine marine reserves: a meta-analysis (434kb)

Tropical Marine EBM Feasibility: A Synthesis of Case Studies and Comparative Analyses. (141kb)

Policy Papers

Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act and the Fisheries Code of 1998: Key Areas of Conflict and Recommended Courses of Action (439 kb)

A Crowded Shoreline: Review of Philippine policies on Foreshore and Shore land management (576 kb)

A Policy Study on the Clarification of Jurisdiction between the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Department of Agriculture for Coastal Resource Management (205 kb)

Consultation Draft: Proposed Philippine National Fisheries Industry Development Plan (2006-2010)(1.4MB)

Consultation Draft: Proposed National Policy for Coastal Management in the Philippines (5.6MB)



Project Newsletter of the Sulu Fund for Marine Conservation Foundation. August 2001 (804kb). October 2000 (499kb); February 2000 (516kb)

Tambuli No. 1. (6.5 MB)

Tambuli No. 2. Part 1 (228KB); Part 2 (305KB); Part 3 (473KB); Part 4 (545KB); or download as one file (1.3MB)

Tambuli No.3. Part 1 (409KB); Part 2 (180KB); Part 3 (497KB); Part 4 (674KB); or download as one file (1.6MB)

Tambuli No. 4. Part 1 (651KB); Part 2 (526KB); Part 3 (546KB); Part 4 (667KB); or download as one file (2MB)

Tambuli No. 5 (2.1MB)

Tambuli No. 6

Tambuli No. 7 (1.9MB)

Coastal Environmental Profiles

Bohol Island: Its Coastal Environment Profile. Download as one file (4.74MB) OR in parts: frontmttrs.pdf (99kb); chapter1.pdf (341kb); chapter2.pdf(490kb); chapter3.pdf(1.4MB); chapter4.pdf(468kb); chapter5.pdf(697kb); chapter6.pdf(790kb); chapter7.pdf(114kb); references.pdf(47kb); annexes.pdf(16kb); resources.pdf(12kb)

Initial Observations on Coastal Resource Management in the Municipality of Calintaan, Mindoro Occidental, Philippines (312kb)

Coastal Environmental and Fisheries Profile of Danajon Bank, Bohol, Philippines (3.39MB)

Coastal Environmental Profile of Malalag Bay Area, Davao del Sur, Philippines. Download as one file (1.9MB). Or in parts: Introduction (51 kb) ; Chapter 1 (183kb) ; Chapter 2 (204kb) ; Chapter 3 (708kb) ; Chapter 4 (130kb) ; Chapter 5 (173kb) ; Chapter 6 (190kb) ; Chapter 7 (204kb) ; Chapter 8 (13kb)

Coastal Environmental Profile of Negros Oriental, Philippines. Download as one file (3.9MB). Or in parts: Cover (157kb) ; Table of Contents (141kb) ; Introduction (364kb) ; Participatory Coastal Resource Assessment-1 (376kb) ; Participatory Coastal Resource Assessment-2 ( 1.6MB); Participatory Coastal Resource Assessment-3 (235kb); Physical Features (185k) ; Natural Resources (279 kb) ; Sociopolitical Setting, (394kb) ; Economic Sector, (214kb) ; Institutional and Legal Framework, (182kb); Management Issues and Interventions,(437kb) ; References, (71kb)

Coastal Environmental Profile of Northwestern Bohol, Philippines. Download as one file (3.9MB). Or in parts: Introduction (51kb); Chapter 1 (110kb); Chapter 2 (49 kb); Chapter 3a (238kb); Chapter 3b (2.3mb); Chapter 4 (64kb); Chapter 5 (92kb); Chapter 6 (115kb); Chapter 7 (124kb); References (35kb)

Coastal Environmental Profile of Olango Island, Cebu, Philippines. Download as one file (7.1MB). Or in parts: Introduction (51 kb) ; Chapter 1 (183kb) ; Chapter 2 (204kb) ; Chapter 3 (708kb) ; Chapter 4 (130kb) ; Chapter 5 (173kb) ; Chapter 6 (190kb) ; Chapter 7 (204kb) ; References (13kb)

Coastal Environmental Profile of Sarangani Bay Area, Philippines. Download as one file (4.9MB). Or in parts: Cover (185kb); Table of Contents (161kb) ; Introduction (256kb) ; Physical Features (288k) ; Natural Resources (3.1MB) ; Sociopolitical Setting, (722kb) ; Economic Sector, (2kb) ; Institutional and Legal Framework, (182kb); Management Issues and Interventions,(437kb) ; References, (71kb); Or download as one file (4.7MB)

Rhythm of the Sea: Coastal Environmental Profile of San Vicente, Palawan . Download as one file (8.1MB). Or in parts: Introduction (55kb); Chapter 1 (130kb); Chapter 2 (520kb); Chapter 3 (261kb); Chapter 4a (61kb); Chapter 4b (4.1mb); Chapter 5 (78k); Chapter 6 (1.6mb); Chapter 7 (1.1mb); Chapter 8 (54k); Chapter 9 (80k); References (30k)

Coastal Resource Management Plans

Integrated Coastal Resources Management Plan for Pujada Bay (93kb)

Integrated Coastal Resources Management Plan for Sarangani Bay (128kb)

Initial Protected Area Management Plan for the Mabini Protected Seascape and Landscape (93kb)

Proposed Management Plan for the Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary (202kb)

Provincial Coastal Resource Management Plan: Province of Davao del Sur 2001-2005 (5.68MB)

Coastal Laws and Other Legislation and Issuances Related to CRM in the Philippines


Republic Act No. 7160. Local Government Code of 1991 (2.1MB)

Republic Act 7962 and Implementing Rules and Regulations. An Act instituting a new system of mineral resources exploration, development, utilization, and conservation. Philippine_Mining_Act_of_1995.pdf (251KB); Philippine_Mining_Act_of_1995-IRR.pdf (727KB)

Republic Act No. 7586. An act providing for the establishment and management of National Integrated Protected Areas System, defining its scope and coverage, and for other purposes. (NIPAS Act). (76kb) Implementing Rules and Regulations (139kb)

Republic Act 8550 and Implementing Rules and Regulations. An Act providing for the development, management and conservation of the fisheries and aquatic resources, integrating all laws pertinent thereto, and for other purposes. (879kb)

Republic Act 9275. Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 (185kb)

Republic Act 9379. An act defining handline fishing, providing effective regulations therefor and for other purposes (41kb)

Republic Act No. 9522 (An Act to amend certain provisions of Republic Act No. 3046, as amended by Republic Act No. 5446, to define the archipelagic baselines of the Philippines, and for other purposes) (158kb)


AM No. 09-6-8-SC. Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases (264kb)


Climate Change Commission AO 2010-01. Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act 9729 also known as Climate Change Act of 2009. (6MB)

Executive Order No. 533. Adopting integrated coastal management as a national strategy to ensure the sustainable development of the country’s coastal and marine environment and resources and establishing supporting mechanisms for its implementation. (27kb)

Executive Order No. 153. Authorizing the utilization of offshore areas not covered by approved mining permits and contracts as sources of dredgefill materials for government reclamation projects and for other purposes. (158kb)

Executive Order No. 305. Devolving to municipal and city governments the registration of fishing vessels 3 gross tonnage below. (77.9kb, includes implementing guidelines and annexes)

Executive Order No.. 542: Creating The Task Force Pawikan And Appropriating Funds Thereof. (9kb)


FISHERIES ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 214. . Code of Practice for Aquaculture in the Philippines. (103kb)

FAO No. 225-2. Amending Sections 2 and Section 3 of Fisheries Administrative Order No. 225 (on importation and culture of Penaeus vannamei) Series of 2007 and providing for additional provision under Section 2 hereof. (98kb)

FAO No. 225-3. Amending Section 1 of Fisheries Administrative Order No. 225-1 (on importation of Penaeus vannamei broodstock) Series of 2007. (106kb)

FAO No. 226. Regulation on the mesh size of tuna purse seine nets and trading of small tuna. (78kb)


DA-DENR-DILG JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 1 Series of 2008. Defining/identifying the areas of cooperation among the Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) in the planning, management and control of aquaculture development to mitigate impacts on the environment. (164kb)

DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 26 Series of 2008. Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 7586 or the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) Act of 1992. (7.6MB)

DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 17 Series of 2008. Amending Section 10 of DAO No. 25 Series of 1992 and Providing Criteria in the Identification and Procedures in the Delineation and/or Demarcation of Management Zones within Protected. (926kb)

DENR MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO.. 2008-08. Clarification of the Role of LGUs in the Philippine EIS System in Relation to MC 2007-08. (328kb)

DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 24 Series of 2005. Guidelines on the grant of coastal area special use agreement. (245kb)

DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 32 Series of 2004. Revised guidelines on the establishment and management of community-based programs in protected areas. (700kb)

Guidelines for the delineation and delimitation of municipal waters of municipalities and cities without offshore islands. (147kb)

Guidelines for the delineation and delimitation of municipal waters in the Philippines (revoked). (305kb)

List of classified bodies of water. (67kb)

Guidelines and principles in determining fees for access to and sustainable use of resources in protected area. (130kb)

JOINT DENR-DA MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 01 Series of 2000 . Identifying/defining the areas of cooperation and collaboration between the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in the Implementation of Republic Act No. 8550, otherwise known as the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998. (14kb)

JOINT DENR-DA-DILG-DND MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 01 Series of 2000 . Guidelines on the establishment, management and utilization of artificial reefs in municipal waters. (43kb)

DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 39 Series of 1999. Guidelines for the Development and Management of Ecological Destinations in the Philippines (72kb)

DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 34 Series of 1999. Rules and Regulations Governing the Administration, Managementand Development of Foreshore Areas, Marshy Lands and Other Lands Bordering Bodies of Water (89kb)

DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 10 Series of 1998. Guidelines on the Establishment and Management of Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) Projects within Mangrove Areas (7kb)

JOINT DENR-DA-DILG-DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 97-01 Series of 1997. Setting the moratorium on the deployment of artificial reefs nationwide. (24kb)

DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 37 Series of 1996. To further strengthen the implementation of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System. (125kb)

DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 25, Series of 1992. National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) Implementing Rules and Regulations.

DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 34, Series of 1990. Revised water usage and classification/water quality criteria. (378kb)

DENR SPECIAL ORDER No. 884 Series of 1989.Designating Regional Pawikan Conservation Project Field Action Officers to Carry-out Nationwide Marine Turtle Conservation Program

BUREAU OF FOREST DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 1: Closed Season for all mammals, birds reptiles and amphibians for five (5) years throughout Region 7. 5kb

Guidelines on Registration and Licensing of Municipal Capture Fisheries for Implementation by Local Government Units 256kb

MNR Administrative Order No. 8 Series of 1982: Establishment of Certain Islands in the Provinces of Tawi-Tawi, Palawan and Antique, as Marine Turtle Sanctuaries. (7kb)

MNR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 518 Series of 1984. Establishing Certain Areas in Northwestern Palawan as Marine Turtle Sanctuary and Promulgating Rules for Administration and Control Thereof

MNR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 1 Series of 1983. Deputizing the Provincial Governors, and Vice-Governors, Municipal Mayors, Vice-Mayors, and Barangay Captains in Areas Critical for the Protection of Marine Turtles in the Philippines as Conservation Officers. (8kb)

MNR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 34 Series of 1982. To Declare the Municipality of Caluya as Marine Turtle Sanctuary (6kb)

MNR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 33 Series of 1982. Regulations Governing the Collection of Marine Turtle Eggs in the Province of Tawi-Tawi and Reiterating the Duties and Responsibilities of Deputy Conservation Officers and Deputy Game Wardens. (22kb)

MNR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 10 Series of 1982. Deputizing the Governor and Vice-Governor of Tawi-Tawi, Municipal Mayor and Barangay Captains of the Municipality of Taganak of the Province of Tawi-Tawi as Deputized Conservation Officers. (7kb)

MEMORANDUM ORDER No. 6 Series of 1982. Suspension of Permits on Marine Turtle Exploitation. (4kb)

MNR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 12 Series of 1979. Regulations for the Conservation of Marine Turtles in the Philippines. (10kb)


MMAA 86 . ARMM Fisheries Code of 1999 (109kb); DA-BFAR FAO 1 Series of 2006, Implementing Rules and Regulations (414kb)


Provincial Ordinance No. 003-2000. An Ordinance Adopting the Environment Code of the Province of Masbate 419kb)

Tawi-Tawi Provincial Fatwa on Marine Protection and Conservation (English) (112kb); Sama language version (86kb); Tausug language version (86kb)

A Prototype Comprehensive Coastal Resource Management Ordinance for Philippine Municipalities

Draft National CRM Policy

IEC Resources


Angey Kulang na Ka-ulluman Ma Tahik? A story (in comic book format) on overfishing. (Sama, 2.05MB)

Bakit Naglaho ang Buhay sa Dagat. A story (in comic book format) on overfishing. (Tagalog, 2.2MB)

Bandah sin Dagat ha tungod Pagpabahgo. A story (in comic book format) of the transformation of a dynamite fisher to an advocate against destructive fishing. (Tausug, 1.55MB)

Bantay Dagat . A photo-comic book consisting of six stories about homegrown champions of the sea and their advocacy. (Cebuano, 55MB)

Call of the Sea to Change. A story (in comic book format) of the transformation of a dynamite fisher to an advocate against destructive fishing. (English, 1.74MB)

Coastal Alert! A coloring book with marine-themed advocacy messages. (English, 1.99MB)

Hudyat ng Dagat para sa Pagbabago. A story (in comic book format) of the transformation of a dynamite fisher to an advocate against destructive fishing. (Tagalog, 1.70MB)

Human Impacts on the Philippine Coastal Environment. Graphical presentation of human activities and their impacts on the coastal environment in the Philippines

Maytah Kulang na in Kabuhi-anan ha Dagat? A story (in comic book format) on overfishing. (Tausug, 2.05MB)

Nganong Nangahanaw ang Kinabuhi sa Dagat? A story (in comic book format) on overfishing. (Bisaya, 2.11MB)

Pahimangno sa Kadagatan alang sa Pagbag-o. A story (in comic book format) of the transformation of a dynamite fisher to an advocate against destructive fishing. (Bisaya, 1.61MB)

Sea Guardians. A photo-comic book consisting of six stories about homegrown champions of the sea and their advocacy. (English, 19.5MB)

Tanod Dagat . A photo-comic book consisting of six stories about homegrown champions of the sea and their advocacy. (Tagalog, 46MB)

Sinyal leh Tahik para Ma Kahapan. A story (in comic book format) of the transformation of a dynamite fisher to an advocate against destructive fishing. (Sama, 1.55MB)

Where Have All the Fishes Gone. A story (in comic book format) on overfishing. (English, 2.6MB)


Why protect seagrass beds?

Why protect mangroves?

Why protect our coral reefs?

Nganong atong panalipdan ang mga kabakhawan (Why protect mangroves? - Cebuano)

Ang Kagasangan: Atong ampingan ug panalipdan (Why protect our coral reefs? – Cebuano)

Danajon Bank Double Barrier Reef: A Unique Resource in Peril (profile)


Let's Talk About Fish. Inter-active movie featuring fish parts and other interesting fish facts. Click here to view movie on-line (Flash plug-in required). OR save executable movie to disk. Right click on link below and SAVE TARGET AS (for Internet Explorer) or SAVE LINK AS (for Netscape): reef_fish.exe (551kb)

The Mangrove and Life Within. Animated illustration of the life processes within the mangrove ecosystem. Click here to view movie on-line (Flash plug-in required). OR save executable movie to disk. You must download ALL of the following to ensure that movie runs properly (Right click on links below and SAVE TARGET AS (for Internet Explorer) or SAVE LINK AS (for Netscape): main.exe (760kb); eggs.swf (24kb); detritus.swf (33kb)


A well-managed marine protected area (MPA) promotes habitat recovery and restores fish productivity (Cebuano)
A well-managed marine protected area (MPA) promotes habitat recovery and restores fish productivity (English)
Does your MPA meet the following? (Cebuano)
Does your MPA meet the following? (English)
Does your MPA meet the following? (Tagalog)
Go Easy on the Sea (English)
Stop illegal fishing (Cebuano)
Stop illegal fishing (Sama dialect)
Stop illegal fishing (Tagalog)
Stop illegal fishing (Tausug dialect)
To catch more we need to fish less (English)


Ang Dagat ay Buhay (2.4MB mp3, with vocals)
Ang Dagat ay Buhay (2.4MB mp3, minus one)
       Lyrics: Tagalog, English
Isda full version (2.5MB mp3), composed and performed by Tribu Calamianen Cultural Group for the FISH Project
Isda jingle version (719kb mp3), composed and performed by Tribu Calamianen Cultural Group for the FISH Project
Panawagan ng Karagatan (2.4MB mp3), composed and performed by Tribu Calamianen Cultural Group for the FISH Project

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This website was made possible through support provided by the USAID under the terms of Contract No. AID 492-0444-C-00-6028-00. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID. Articles may be quoted or reproduced in any form for non-commercial, non-profit purposes to advance the cause of marine environmental management and conservation as long as proper reference is made to the source.